We are calling for you help! There are many active ways to participate in calling for greater support, access, funding, and forward-thinking in the creative industries.
You and your voice are essential. You will be heard by your neighbours, friends, family, colleagues and beyond. Join us in spreading the word on your preferred platform in as many ways as you know how.
Show that the ARTS MATTERS to you. Here are some ways you can show your support:
1. Contact your local representative
2. Share your own #ArtsMatters image on social media and make sure to tag us!
- @chamberartsandculturewa (IG)
- @ChamberArtsCultureWA (Facebook)
- @ArtsCultureWA (Twitter)
3. Follow us as we push to advocate for connectivity and engagement with arts and culture throughout our State.
4. Become a Chamber member and support our ongoing work for the arts and culture in Western Australia
Join The Chamber of Arts and Culture Western Australia
The Chamber of Arts and Culture WA is the peak policy and advocacy body for the arts and cultural sector in the State.
Membership with the Chamber is open to everyone, with three membership categories available - Arts Organisation Membership, Individual Membership and Associate Membership.
As a member of the Chamber you are part of a dedicated and passionate network of Western Australian arts organisations, artists, arts workers and supportive individuals and businesses championing the value of arts and culture in this State.
While stats, by nature, are incredibly boring, the government’s own impact data for our sector, released in December 2020 is shocking:
- More than 32,000 cultural and arts events were cancelled in WA due to COVID restrictions, film and television productions stalled, and art, literature and music sales continue to face significant losses.
- On average casual employment in the arts decreased by 75%, contract employment decreased by 78%, and revenue reduced by 72%.
- The estimated financial impact on the arts and culture sector was $48 million with further losses expected in 2021.
These figures highlight how important the work of the Chamber is.
While our artists and organisations focus on developing and sharing their art, it is so important that the Chamber champions that work and the value it brings to our state to decision makers.
As we head to the Federal election, we ask you to join us as members and show support for this work.
To join head to cacwa.org.au